Campaign for aid amid impact of el nino on farm lands. Campaign for aiding poor children in peasant communities. Against Duterte’s anti-women rule. Demanding increase in farm gate prices and against rice liberalization. Against rice liberalization and enactment of Rice Industry Development Act (RIDA) bill.. Against rice liberalization and enactment of Rice Industry Development Act (RIDA) bill.. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against Duterte’s anti-women rule. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Campaign for aid amid impact of el nino on farm lands. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Campaign for aid amid impact of el nino on farm lands. Campaign for aid amid impact of el nino on farm lands. Against rice liberalization and enactment of Rice Industry Development Act (RIDA) bill.. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against rice liberalization and enactment of Rice Industry Development Act (RIDA) bill.. Against militarization and killing of peasants. Against rice liberalization and enactment of Rice Industry Development Act (RIDA) bill.. Poor Against rice liberalization.consumers signing on petition to repeal Republic Act 11203 Rice Liberalization Law.
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