Who we are
AMIHAN is an organization of peasant women and a federation of peasant women organizations that carries forward the call for genuine agrarian reform, national industrialization, and an end to all forms of exploitation and discrimination especially against women in the countryside.
AMIHAN was established on October 26, 1986 as a response to the need to give a collective voice to the peasant women, the most numerous and discriminated, yet the largest sector of women in the Philippines. Starting from 6 provincial chapters, it has grown into 19 provincial chapters in 9 regions nationwide.
Our Vision
A free and prosperous society where men and women are equally empowered, where foreign control and domination has become a thing of the past, and where unequal structures and all forms of oppression and discrimination have been successfully eliminated.
A society administered by a government that does not dictate upon its people nor is dictated upon by power but rather rules by the people’s will and consent.
A society that encourages the development of a dynamic, interdependent but self-sustaining and peaceful communities.
Our Mission
AMIHAN unites with all the oppressed and exploited classes, and fights for the interests and aspirations of the Filipino people.
It consolidates and defends its victories while advancing the struggle against exploitation and oppression.
It struggles for the empowerment of peasant and other rural women as part of the movement for social change.
Our Programs
Campaign and Advocacy
• For genuine agrarian reform and against feudal and semi-feudal exploitation
• Against neoliberal policies especially liberalization of agriculture
• For food security, sustainable agriculture, affordable and accessible social services, and poverty alleviation
• Against militarization and human rights violations
• Against all forms of violence against women and children
. Promotes organic farming initiatives and agro-ecology
. Advances the welfare of peasant women amidst destructive impact of climate change
Organizational Building and Leader Development
• Establish and strengthen peasant women organizations
• Conduct trainings and seminars to develop and enhance the skills of peasant women on capability building, organizational management, public speaking, analysis on various issues, and others.
Research and Education
• Discussions on peasant women rights and other issues affecting them
• Publication of primers, fact sheets, and other information materials on issues affecting peasant women
• Printing of the Pagsibol, the official publication of Amihan
Local and International Solidarity
• Strengthens linkages with local and international organizations for mutual understanding and support
• Sponsors exchanges and exposure programs to rural communities
How can you help?
Be a Volunteer! Join Rural Women Advocates!
Support our campaigns and activities to end to all forms of exploitation and discrimination against peasant women and the urgency for Genuine Land Reform!
Contact Us
80-A Mapang-akit St., Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City, 1100 Philippines
Telephone number (+632) 922-3982
Email address: amihanpeasantwomen@gmail.com
Twitter: @peasant_women
Facebook: @amihanwomen
Instagram: @amihan.peasant_women